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Survey: Win a 2024-25 home shirt

Have your say on football issues and tell us more about you

21 May 2024

Club News

Survey: Win a 2024-25 home shirt

Have your say on football issues and tell us more about you

21 May 2024

We’re inviting supporters to share their thoughts on several pertinent football topics, along with information relating to equality, diversity and inclusion, as we continue our efforts to make all our fans’ voices heard.

Take the survey here Take the junior survey

As the world’s oldest professional football club, we have an obligation to engage our supporters in conversations about the most important issues impacting our game, while also ensuring that we understand our fanbase as best as possible in order to provide them with a top-class experience.

Our chief executive, Joe Palmer, said: “I would be extremely grateful if all supporters could take a few minutes to complete this survey.

“We will maintain the confidentiality of your personal information and use the aggregated EDI data to get a better insight into the diversity of our amazing fanbase, thus ensuring that the views and experiences of all fans, regardless of race, gender, sexuality, disability or other characteristics, are represented.

“This will also help us to identify any barriers that may exist for certain groups of fans. As an example, we recently installed handrails in the Derek Pavis stand based on feedback concerning seat accessibility.

“The more we understand our fans, the more we can continue to make such proactive changes. Thank you for your time.”

We are offering all survey respondents the chance to win one of five signed 2024-25 home shirts. The winners will be randomly selected and contacted in early June.

Click here to complete the survey, which closes at 11pm on Sunday 2 June.

If you are the parent of a young supporter (aged 16 or under), please click here to complete a separate survey for junior supporters on their behalf to ensure we can also make their views heard.

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